Our primary studio.

Your community channel in Barrie and Simcoe County

Five Points Media is a provincially registered media company and community channel.
Studio: 705-828-5605 ~ Production: 416-996-2786 ~ Email jironside@fivepointsmedia.ca

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Community Give and Get Tree of Love for Frank Nelson

For only $2.00, patrons and supporters were able to buy a heart and post it on the tree that was painted on the front window of the centre. That heart could include their name or that of a loved one. Frank's never-ending commitment to those in need and the community continues through the efforts of his daughter, Cindy Thompson, and CEO Sean Stephen. The tree was painted by Sean's wife Lori.

The 'Tree of Love' fundraiser that honours Barrie's late philanthropist Frank Nelson continued until the end of February at the Glowing Hearts Community Give & Get Centre - Barrie.

The Community Give and Get Centre remains very much alive and well, and all who need clothing or other necessities of life are welcome to come and see what is available. All money earned from this fundraiser will be put toward operational costs for the centre, such as rent, heat, and hydro.

Our fully functional kitchen set.