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Your community channel in Barrie and Simcoe County

Five Points Media is a provincially registered media company and community channel.
Studio: 705-828-5605 ~ Production: 416-996-2786 ~ Email jironside@fivepointsmedia.ca

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A Path Walked Together, Living with Alzheimer's

If you have ever seen the movie The Notebook, you will love this story.

Casey and Regina Kesseler had been together in life and love for almost six decades when Alzheimer's suddenly changed everything in their lives. Nonetheless, through the assistance of the Alzheimer Society of Simcoe County, they strive on hand in hand, determined to remain together and to take on all battles.

This coming Sunday, May 27th, the Alzheimer Society of Simcoe County is holding their annual Walk for Alzheimer's starting at Dorian Parker Centre in Sunnidale Park.

For more details please visit HTTPS://alzheimer.ca/en/simcoecounty/Get-involved/Be-a-fundraiser/Walk-for-Alzheimers

Please share to help promote this important event!

Our fully functional kitchen set.